Not a cynic, more of an optimistic realist with an acceptance of crit/self-crit. Process oriented and pretty demanding. Leo. From birth. Cry when straight guys are kind to each other. OY. Also at most West Wings (DVDs, not 1st run. Relate to Toby if you ever saw the show.)
Contradictory, esp. ecologically. Although always recycled. Currently mastering bagless shopping.
Medium at 'letting go". Like to know, "of what?" It'd be swell if you had some insight there.
My Ideal Person:
Consciousness, political and other, lack of literality. Expectation of honesty and a recognition that response is the root of responsibility and that cool is an inch away from cold. I.e., perfunctory is high on list of least loved characteristics. Shut down, withholding: the worst. No great attachment to morning hours, routine, boundaries or social control. Kind. Likes stripes. Isn't fond of smileys, Disneyland or dept. stores. Or the "new 42nd St". Money not major motivating force. Beautiful. There's lots more, but I've already over cororborated my demanding profile above.