Extremely honest, straightforward & genuine. I spent the last year working in Finland where I learned to the value of wool socks, snowpants and not taking yourself too seriously.
My Ideal Person:
fellow laugher, someone who is driven. Frequent flier and one-time try-er of almost anything.
- The last great book I read
Eat, Pray, Love
- My most humbling moment
Pick any moment from a meeting in Japan...was it when I ran
out of business cards or could it have been when I fumbled
with the 50 buttons on my toilet seat. hmmmm
- Favorite on-screen sex scene
I need more time to think on this one, I suppose it depends
on my mood
- The celebrity I resemble the most
I had to poll some friends on this one, the results came back
50% Daryl Hanna 50% Tina Fey. I'm not sure...
- The best or worst lie I've ever told
How do you define "BEST"?
- If I could be anywhere right now
scuba diving
- Five items I can't live without
see I've got this little machine that makes the sound
of: rain, white noise, train, waterfall..almost anything-
boy technology these days! I hate to admit it, but I'm
a bit, ok, a lot attached to it. Yes, I love my noise machine.
Other than that, I can pretty much take or leave a lot, well,
except for my smartphone, ok and my favorite pair of jeans
- Fill in the blank: _____ is sexy; _____ is sexier.
the aftermath...the prologue...
- In my bedroom one will find...
that it is conveniently attached to the rest of my apartment
and there's not much room for more than a bed. Ok, fine,
a down comforter, books, me in the mornings.