likes: saturday mornings at the farmer's market, sunday mornings with the paper, in depth converstation with strangers, independence with the ability to accept support, public art, street art, good design for the masses.
dislikes: monotony, settling in life, passive outlooks.
I enjoy the following activities: photography; printmaking; playing guitar; reading; walking; visiting museums; dinner parties with friends; going out; listening to NPR - This American Life and Radiolab are my favorite shows.
My Ideal Person:
Do-gooders that aren't pretentious. Optimists that can be real.
- The last great book I read
I'm almost finished with "Engulfed in Flames, "
by David Sedaris. Whenever I'm near the end of one of
his books, I savor it. I only allow myself to read it when
I feel like I need a treat. I don't want it to end.
- Favorite on-screen sex scene
I have to think about that one...
- The celebrity I resemble the most
Not sure. I've been compared to the mom from the Gilmore
Girls. I've also been compared to Jack Nicholson in
his role as the joker.
- If I could be anywhere right now
Canoeing down Crow River in Minnesota.
- Five items I can't live without
I can live without them, but here are five items I typically
carry: camera, moleskin, pocket knife, zippo, gum.
- In my bedroom one will find...
A bed, side table, tord boontje lamp, art.