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Blogs > Noisy_Introvert > Kettle Corn > GAS: whingers and the culture of entitlement
GAS: whingers and the culture of entitlement
Noisy_Introvert 3/9/2007 6:37 am

Last Read:
9/24/2008 1:51 am

In an effort to diversify my blogger persona portfolio, I have decided to embrace my inner Ranter (alas, fully clothed). Maybe throw in a dash of The Troll (not listed).

I wake up to a local news radio station that provides the headlines of the day (e.g. "Coming up next: is former American Idol contestant Frenchie accusing the show of racism?" ) in overly simplified terms that are easy to grasp through the morning fog of semi-consciousness. They often fluff it up (to soften the impact of the hard-hitting news items one assumes) with informal polls of people on the streets of Toronto.

Any time the price of gas goes up, as it has recently due to a fire at one of the largest refineries in the area, they report the price of gas across the city, and interview poor, disgruntled drivers at the gas pumps. Inevitably, they start polling people on whether the government should step in and subsidize the price of gas. Yes, you read that right. There is actually a lobby out there that thinks precious tax dollars should be used to help deplete fossil fuels, further pollute our air, and contribute to global warming.

Here it is... {rant}


If you ask me, the price of gas should be artificially elevated, with proceeds going towards improving public transit, researching green technologies, adding more bike lanes, promoting environmental awareness, etc, etc, etc.

If the only way to get through to people in this messed up culture is to smack them in the pocketbook, then so be it. People in the west, particularly North America, seem to think it's their god-given right to drive a car. To say nothing of their god-given right to own a great big house that they can only afford if they move to the suburbs and are therefore forced to drive into the city. Why don't you try simplifying your life? Get a smaller place in the city, WALK to work - you'll be amazed how good it feels. Get rid of all that crap that's taking up the extra 2000 square feet you had to have.

I am so tired of the culture of entitlement and the ceaseless bitching about the high cost of maintaining this lifestyle that is totally fücking up the planet.


How'd I do?

These things are lame.
850 posts 

3/9/2007 2:52 pm

A lurker no more. You got me out of the darkness and into the bright lights of the internets with this one.

Amen sister! If you want to see change petition government to mandate minumun gas prices. I think $5.00/liter would be good for a start. The resource raping industry has been given a pass when it comes to cleaning up its mess and that needs to be addressed. Who is responsible for that brown haze over the city? It's a gift from the "energy" companies?

Oh this is good, let me continue my rant. Noisy, you talk about being a cancer fighter, how about this one. Years ago there used to be a big sticker on gasoline pumps that said something like "WARNING - GASOLINE CAUSES CANCER" if you look closely you'll still see it there in much smaller print if at all. What happened was the gas companies lobbied to have the size reduced or eliminated in exchange for additional warning and those graphical warning symbols, you know the skull and cross bones with a red line over it. I did not notice a carcinogen warning symbol!

Here's my point. You have to be 19 to buy cigarettes because they cause cancer as only an adult should be making those kinds of decisions. What about gasoline? Causes cancer alright and there should be a big sticker saying "You have to be 19 to buy or pump gas" And while we're at it should there be a big sign in front of schools saying "Don't you dare bring your cancer causing muffler near here" or even a sticker on the door of cars "You must be 19 to ride in cancer causing cars"

Every once and a while I have to drive somewhere where I get a nasty reintroduction to traffic and it totally amazes me to be stuck somewhere in a sea of steel and carcinogens. I look around and think that although I'm only visiting most of the people (and most of them are riding solo) are here every day at the same time. I cold take a picture and other than the seasonal changes everyone would be there again and again. How's that for stupid? No sorry, people need to be pushed to do something smart and paying $5 a liter would be the smartest thing most of these people would do that day.

Don't tell me it's your right to give me cancer and blacken out the sky.

Ah I feel better now, thanks.

(Photo; 1914 Studebaker electric car. You'd think by now the roads would be covered by these things)

And as I walk on through troubled times. My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes.

499 posts 

3/9/2007 3:18 pm

wow ... not one funny line ... pretty amazing. Of course, you're spot on with the subject of the rant as expected.

and we could always continue on by saying that were we all to take on this simplistic lifestyle philosophy, we would be less dependent on fossil fuels which means less money to be had in the drilling/refining/delivery of it which means less money to buy our elected officials which means less overt attempts by the government to continue with whatever means necessary to protect the profit margin of the big oil companies which means less traveling in middle-eastern countries by our uniformed Americans.

5789 posts 

3/9/2007 4:52 pm

Right on Fossil Fuel Ranter. I love your style and your idea.

If you get the urge to rant again, how about directing your rath on the topic of falling water tables.

p.s. I put your rant through some very sophisticated stylistic textual analysis software. It reports that, with 99.98% certainty, you did in fact write the above piece sans clothing. Naked bloggers have a certain style. Not calling you a liar or anything like that. Just trying to be honest here. Maybe brutally honest.

4253 posts 

3/9/2007 5:44 pm

"How'd I do?"

I had to run away and hide for a while, but I'm back now.

I kept thinking of the McMansions that they are building on all the old farms that surround the D.C. area. These are commutes that are one hour, two hours and more-- when there's no delays. A few take the train in, but others... These houses are obscenely huge.

P.S. Are dey gas whingers or whiners?

P.S.S. Who loves ya', sis? ( besides lucky what's-his-face )

600 posts 

3/9/2007 6:36 pm

oh. mygoddddd.

that's 2 for ten!

a nice line drive, too. tres bien fait.

RANT ON, Noisyranter.


The Asheville Pedestrian

(yes. there's one of us. we take turns.)

6576 posts

3/9/2007 9:01 pm

Thank you, thank you, members of the choir... I gotta admit, I was hoping to get some comments from assshole (i.e. car) apologists. Come on out, whingers!! IF YOU DAAAAAARRRRE.

k-fan, man, when you come out, you really come owt! Thanks for like, totally upstaging my rant, dude. It's for a good cause, so I'll let this one slide.

mindthing, you make my heart sing. You make everything groovy.

Dharma, thanks for the props, my friend. Speaking of propping, quit it.

eastywesty, who are these people? Sometimes I feel like I'm in this world but not of it. But then again, maybe that label is better suited to the McMansion-dwelling chronic commuters.

Oh, and one other thing, Omey, whinger makes a nice alternative to whiner, although they have pretty much the same meaning. But the "g" is definitely there on purpose.

msj, yeah, I don't know if I'm up for 8 more of these things. We'll see. But thanks for the support all the same.

These things are lame.

1156 posts 

3/9/2007 9:03 pm

As an American, I can attest to being taught in school that Canadians drive dog sleds, and we all know you don't need gas to power dogs.

600 posts 

3/10/2007 7:49 am

Sometimes I feel like I'm in this world but not of it.

Do you have a past as a fundamentlist Christian?? That's a line I only learned from my fundy friends.


I have an idea of how to get the guzzlers out. They're ARE no apologists left, not in this climate.

But there are plenty of what's worse, much worse: the WILLFULLY ignorant. (I should know. I was one, for a long, long time.)

499 posts 

3/10/2007 7:57 am

MX ... what the fvck are you talking about???? I, also an American, learned that Alaskan Eskimos not Canadians drive dog sleds. I am not going to pull up your profile to see what state you call home for no other reason than to protect my own sanity, however, I must say I feel terrible for your public school system.

What I do recall of things taught in school about Canada and Canadians are: territories instead of states, public healthcare system, predominantly French territories exist, Mounties, trolley cars, laid back and neutral politically, beautiful country, etc.

600 posts 

3/10/2007 7:58 am

ps: Wow. kioskfan. welcome to blogland. please write all over everything, and at length. just because the noisemaker doesn't like it doesn't mean it's not awesome.

and, let's see:

you're a smart and funny, non-smoking person who likes to camp. you live in Ontario. you're apparently looking for the same.

Gosh. If you and Noisybabe didn't already apparently know one another I would say you should meet <--- yes, noisy. that's an emoticon. on your blog. uh huh.

499 posts 

3/10/2007 8:00 am

and thank you noisy ... am cupping my hand to my ear lest I chance upon the tune your heart is singing and hoping it's something I can dance to *grin*

6576 posts

3/10/2007 12:10 pm

Xy, no, see, that's what I was talking about. There's a significant lobby that wants a government subsidy on the price of kibble. It's disgusting.

Oh, msj, you've done it again. Yes, I do have a storied, blog-worthy past as a psycho Christian. In fact, if memory serves, one of my fave Christian rock bands of the 80s, Petra, had a record entitled Not of This World. Although it is my good friend, KMT who uses that expression most often, and he is no fundy.

Also, your spider senses serve you well... k-fan and I are e-buds. I'm hoping he knows I was just givin him the ole Noisy snark. It would be great if he graced the blogs with more of his ranting.

Oh, dear, mindthing... I'm afraid I'm gonna have to public school you. How embarraskin for you, after attempting to smack down that rogue blogger MrX. (I think first of all, you need to turn up your irony detector to 11 when it comes to that little imp...)

Now then: they call themselves Inuit, not Eskimos; we have mostly provinces (10) and the northern, sparsely populated areas are called territories (3); definitely we gots the public healthcare which we desperately cling to as a definiing characteristic even as it erodes; there are pockets of French-speaking areas scattered about (about one third of New Brunswickers are franco; the northern Ontario city of Sudbury has a lot of 'em, and Manitoba also has quite a few, plus other smaller groups across the country) but by far the concentration of French-speaking Canadians is in the province of Quebec; Mounties - check; trolley cars... whuh? We do have streetcars in Toronto, but I've never heard trolley cars described as a uniquely Canadian entity - seems more like a San Francisco treat; laid back - well, sure, I suppose, tho we have our share of crazies; beautiful - absolutement.

So, now, give Mr. X a little kiss and make up!!!!


These things are lame.

499 posts 

3/10/2007 6:36 pm

I used Eskimo in tribute to our very own Eskimo dude that blogs, but yes Inuit I knew ... lol ... and ok perhaps memory doesn't serve me well which can be attested to by the very fact that I'm taking a 'short bus' math class in my new degree program as I couldn't remember quadratic equations for sh[i!1l]t.. but you don't have any damn sled dogs do you?????

Trolley cars ... well I've never been to San Francisco but I have been to Victoria, BC and they had some damn fine trolley cars

Irony detector .... I thought he was just being a smartass. Is that the same thing?? Perhaps I need to be schooled on more than just a geography lesson hey??

1156 posts 

3/11/2007 8:30 am

    Quoting ItsAMindThing:
    MX ... what the fvck are you talking about???? I, also an American, learned that Alaskan Eskimos not Canadians drive dog sleds. I am not going to pull up your profile to see what state you call home for no other reason than to protect my own sanity, however, I must say I feel terrible for your public school system.

    What I do recall of things taught in school about Canada and Canadians are: territories instead of states, public healthcare system, predominantly French territories exist, Mounties, trolley cars, laid back and neutral politically, beautiful country, etc.
Um...perhaps you should go shopping... for A SENSE OF HUMOR!! Moron.

6576 posts

3/11/2007 11:12 am

Oh, dear. You kids! C'mon now.

mindful, you're a good sport about the schooling. I've never been to Victoria. I hear it's very beautiful. I forgot all about the quadratic equation. Cool for you going back to school. Good luck with that endeavour.

Anyway, most Canadians don't have sled dogs. I have a cat. She doesn't pull anything, but occasionally carries an old glove of mine around the apartment.

Eggs, tsk tsk. Such a disappointing display of literalism.

These things are lame.

712 posts 

3/11/2007 11:18 am

Are you kidding me? Has the kanadian cold affected your reasoning skillz? First off, it IS a GOD]-given right to get a Hummer & I mean that in all senses of the word. {As lead singer of The Proper Nouns, I'm sure you're hip to my meaning...Oh, WTF, let me spell it out, as I need to make my points & mal mots crystal clear, see, "hummer" can have two meanings...}

deplete fossil fuels:: that's what they're there for
further pollute our air:: Isn't air quality getting better? Hey, no nitpicking about relative and absolute quality, as that would harm MY arguments
contribute to global warming:: Um, helloooo, it's climate change. Plus, if true, it would be a bonus in Ontario

Damn straight the government should subsidize assoline prices. It's good for the economy. Haven't you heard of the Laugher curve, supply-side baby! No snickering, you.

You're against a big house in the 'burbs. huh? What kind of Bolsheviki rabble-rouser are you? Um, what about, oh, trivial things like the American dream. Hey, it can be applied to Canada, as well, despite all of you people's infringements upon the purity of laissez-faireness. Life was meant to be lived in East York, Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough and York, thank you very much. Puh-lease. You make sprawl sound like a bad thing. Are you against the bourgeois Liebensraum or somethin'?

Well, I'll leave you with film quotes, which I'm sure you'll think are ironic, as opposed to being celebratory of a superior way of life:

Commercial Voice-Over: It's back! Big is back, because bigger is better than ever! 6000 SUX: An American Tradition!
{caption on screen says "An American Tradition. 8.2 MPG"}

{Ron Miller is holding City Hall hostage to get an old job back. Lt. Hedgecock is negotiating from outside with a bullhorn}

Lt Hedgecock: What kind of car do you want?
Miller: Something with reclining leather seats, that goes really fast, and gets really sh[i!1l]tty gas mileage!
Lt Hedgecock: How about a 6000 SUX?
{a crack on the Pontiac 6000}
Miller: Yeah!
Lt Hedgecock: Alright. Let the mayor go, and we'll throw in a Blaupunkt!

Indie Shows & Appearances

499 posts 

3/11/2007 12:18 pm

hahahaha ... too damn funny MX. Do you actually read all of the comments or just post inane bs all over the place???

Sir ... scroll the fvck up and you will see that your virtue has been defended by a GIRL already. I started the sh[i!1l]t storm of course, but no need for continued hostility as I am not a hostile individual.

A knee-jerk reaction to what I saw was a stupid smartass comment of yours and I buggered up my snarky reply so .... we're both dumbass americans now ... this means we're even.

And just so you know ... I did not make a personal attack on you (see moron above) just on your comment.

Kiss and make up as Noisy suggested?? Not a chance(also see moron above). However, I am not above admitting that I fvcked up a perfectly decent post with stupid sh[i!1l]t.

So apologies to Noisy ... MX ... it is what it is sir

6576 posts

3/11/2007 12:38 pm

Awesome. Thanks for coming out. I'll deal with the vagrancies of your post just as soon as I wake up.

Dreaming of lower-case hummers,


These things are lame.

712 posts 

3/11/2007 2:17 pm

Where are my peeps on this one??? bitches. Yeah, this comment does seem homeless at the moment.

Oh, fuck, I forgot my html::


or is it::


I'm soooo stupid. I mean, I win! I win!!!

On a tangent:: Trippy. In the 80s, I was into a new wave synth band called Petri. One part Devo, one part Missing Persons, two parts Kraftwerk, one part Jägermeister. Their songs were about Fresca, time travel, bacterium, & viral protein coats {capsids}. On stage, they wore jumpsuits that made them look like 5 paramecium w/ sunglasses. They did a cover of Orchestral Manœuvres' "Genetic Engineering"::

Efficient, logical, effective, and practical
Using all resources to the best of our ability
Changing, designing, adapting our mentalities
Improving our abilities for a better way of life

Babies Mother Hospital Scissors
Creature Judgement Butcher Engineer

and their UK hit was "A Beautiful Dish"::

Hey tell me what I see
Boy and girl with the mitosis on
You can divide your cells all night long hey hey

It's a beautiful dish we live in
A sweet gelatinous place
Beautiful amoeba everywhere
The way they show they care
Makes me want to say...

It's a beautiful dish.

Indie Shows & Appearances

1567 posts 

3/11/2007 3:09 pm

What? Sacrifice? Intelligent long range planning? You can't be serious!!

6576 posts

3/11/2007 6:05 pm

IAMT, it is what it is indeed! No apologies necessary. You kids keep having fun now!

sl:: alrightski, I woke up (from a humdinger of a dream), no closer to having the clarity or stamina to fully address your faux whinge, (fwinge), only to fine another truly weird and awesome comment awaiting me. I can't believe you quoted from Robocop. That's the kind of shït that gets balls hummed on in some circles. I REMEMBER PETRI!!!! I even had that 45! I always kinda liked the B-side, "In Vitro My Creamy Love Junk".

EmCee, I am serious, and don't call me Shirley. Um, in case you were thinking of doing that.

These things are lame.

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