Noisy_Introvert 3/9/2007 11:37 am
Last Read:
11/19/2007 1:20 pm
These things are lame.
6576 posts
3/9/2007 11:38 am
Please, join with me in this prayer of fücksgiving...
These things are lame.
2776 posts
3/9/2007 1:22 pm
I LOVE fu[kcq]kSGIVING!!!!!
2349 posts
3/9/2007 1:33 pm
1499 posts
3/9/2007 1:56 pm
Ok. gaaah. *clears throat* I meant...GAAAAAAAAAAAH! Horse poo, indeed.
6576 posts
3/9/2007 2:15 pm
Yeah, I was waiting all day for my other post to go live. Like, talking about artificially elevating the price of gas must be seen as hate propaganda by the folks in Silicon Valley.
These things are lame.
4265 posts
3/9/2007 3:30 pm
Ooh, I'll bring COW PIES, for dessert! and Fresca!
1504 posts
3/9/2007 4:00 pm
they're onto you.
They know that you are well-positioned to start the coup.
Who knows what hidden messages lie in the price of oil?
3676 posts
3/9/2007 7:41 pm
I suspect it's because they interpreted the word 'Frenchie' in a 'wink wink, nudge nudge' kind of way.
13375 posts
3/11/2007 11:02 pm
I think that MsSand and PinkAvian have a point. I also think they hate me, too I mean FC, and not MsSand or Avian.
6576 posts
3/12/2007 5:22 am
Hey kidz, thanks for the chiming in. Never underestimate the power of prayer.
sunny, there's a Fresca revolution goin on, and everyone's invited!! (except Gird)
PAA, funny... never thought of the controversial use of the term "Frenchie". I actually made a couple of changes to the post and it went live - not sure if the changes were the reason, or the power of prayer. I made "God-given" into "god-given", and changed the square brackets [ ] into curly ones { } on the quasi HTML thing. Whatever, who cares.
Gypsy, I hate them right back (FC, not MsSand or Avian).
These things are lame.
4571 posts
3/12/2007 6:32 pm
I love that blog pic! Not the content of it...just that someone snapped the photo...