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Consumer blog: where do your brand loyalties lie?
Noisy_Introvert 3/14/2007 6:23 am

Last Read:
10/28/2008 2:18 pm

What are the products you won't compromise on, no matter the extra buck or two? What are the products you don't care about where you go for the sale?

Noisy's gotta have it:
  • Heinz ketchup

  • Diet Coke – god it annoys me when I go home for Christmas to a fridge full of President's Choice. Mom. For god's sake. You've already spent a grand on presents for the grandkids to say nothing of your overgrown-but-still-single daughter. Spring for the extra buck.

  • Colgate toothpaste (original) – I've tried others but none taste as good

  • Fancy Feast – I've tried others but Lola's having none of it

  • Quaker rice cakes – the no-name stuff is shït. Plus, excellent variety in flavours

  • Cottonelle teeps – because my asss is worth it

  • Kraft salad dressing – I prefer the Sundried Tomato & Basil (Light, natch). (However, technically I think it's incorrect to buy Kraft products, since the parent company, Altria also owns Philip Morris... but that's another blog...)

  • Always get Always. Sorry if that's TMI.

  • Marcelle Sheer Tint moisturizer (Amber) – with SPF 15. I like the colour.

Noisy saves her centablos
  • laundry detergent

  • over the counter drugs

  • water filter cartidges

  • basics - rice, pasta, milk, etc.

  • peanut butter

  • ice cream

  • anti-perspirant

  • shampoo, hair goo, etc.

Oh, there are plenty of others. I didn't even get into fast foods or electronics. So what about y'all?

These things are lame.
4253 posts 

3/14/2007 7:37 am

This is too weird.
TWO DAYS AGO, I was in our little mini-kitchen, lunch room at work and three ladies went off on how only Heinz ketchup would do. I was only in there long enough to hear this one conversation. How often does one hear a discussion on the best KETCHUP? Me? TWICE in 52 years.

This reminds me of how you never see or hear a word, then you learn of it, and invariably, it shows up within a week or so.

4253 posts 

3/14/2007 7:40 am

It doesn't fall into the category of consumer brand loyalty, but when it comes to advice columnists, there's only one for me.


3216 posts 

3/14/2007 8:03 am

Holy shit, I think I'm a brand whore! I don't think I have a cheapo/generic thing in my house! (I know you hate the emoticons, but I just hadta)

Oh, wait, yeah, I have generic coffee filters and my printer cartridges are Staples brand. And that chicken I got the other night wasn't Eberly's, either. And my ibuprofen is Eckerd's brand. Whew, I feel so much better!

Pretentious Brands Shady's Gotta Have:

Votivo candles (though I will go for even more fancy-schmancy when I can)- my apartment deserves the best stank, you know?

Fage greek yogurt- it spoiled me for all others.

Vosges chocolate- it's cute to see everyone trying to copy the original. But you can't just stick some chilis and cinnamon in any ole chocolate and expect great things. Sheesh.

My newest addiction: La Mer Body Cream. I only bought it because I got it half off and it was still an obscene price! But dang if my bod ain't the softest thang trottin' down the block!

Alright, I'll stop there before this gets outta hand....

712 posts 

3/14/2007 8:06 am

Quaker rice cakes
mmmmmmmm. styrofoamy.

sartre tendencies::

::strauss-bay area, stonyfield-ny dairy
::hendrick's gin
::newcastle ale
::schwartz-la challah
::patron tequila
::strub's dill tomatoes
::mathilde various liquers
::tom's of maine gel toothpaste

sartre avoids::

jimmy dean products

Indie Shows & Appearances

6576 posts

3/14/2007 8:23 am

e-dub, that's toooo funny. Same thing happened to me in first year university with Hegel. Never heard of the dude and suddenly he's bein name-dropped in my History, Philosophy and Religion classes. Hunh. But what about your brand loves???

PS Thanks for the unnecessary shout-out. I can't resist the love.

Shadygrrrrl! Where you been, sistah? I don't recognize any of those brands! You're a total freakin diva! Where are the Pathmark products??? And what's the sitch on chilis and cinnamon and chocolate? That sounds karaaaazy! Next time I'm stoppin by the Big Apple, you gots to show me.

sl:: there's nothing like low-cal styrofoam to augment one's culinary pleasures... My god you're a snob. And since when did you forsake the Fresca? After you got arrested for manslaughter, maybe?

These things are lame.

1156 posts 

3/14/2007 8:39 am

Macintosh, Munsingwear, John Fluevog.

1156 posts 

3/14/2007 8:39 am

Oh...and Crest.

2776 posts 

3/14/2007 9:34 am

About the only brand that I'm a bit of a stickler about is Pepsi.

474 posts 

3/14/2007 9:50 am

Hmmm...this might be long!

Body stuff-
generally Aveeno though I'm also partial to Bliss (lotion and body scrub in particular)- this includes facial wash, facial lotion, body lotion, body wash, facial scrub, shaving cream and probably a bunch of other things- it's good to know someone who works for J&J!
Aussie Shampoo (though I've been experimental lately, just got some new stuff from L'oreal)
Degree antipersperant
Oh yeah, the best TP but whatever is on sale so I'll go back between angels and bears to Cotonelle
I used to be a Colgate girl but now it's Aquafresh all the way
Yes, Always
Nars is my makeup of choice but I also dig Urban Decay and Stila. I'm an eye makeup junkie.
Oh, and Burts Bees lip balm

Generic stuff- contact lens solution, cottonballs, meds
Hmm, now that I think about it, there's very little I buy generic

I don't like showing brand names- they didn't pay me to advertise for them! But I buy most of my clothes from H&M and American Eagle (absolutely the softest cotton undies). When I'm feeling preppy, I go to Banana Republic and J. Crew but my absolute favorite store is Anthropologie. I just can't afford most of their stuff. I do go to other places. Oh, and only CK or DKNY for bras.

Whatever is cute and will fit my feet. Oh, and comfortable, of course...sometimes. But no Payless. Their shoes are sh[i!1l]te.

For the most part, I shop at Trader Joes. I like their peanut butter, tofu, yogurt, cottage cheese and bread. Generally, I try to eat whole foods so I don't buy a lot of manufactured foods. Fresh salsas must come from Latino markets. That's one of the things I didn't care for from TJ's.
I don't eat ranch dressing much these days but it absolutely has to be Hidden Valley. I like Wishbone robusto Italiano for dressing or plain red vinegar.
I don't eat ketchup either. But Heinz is better than any other brand to me.
I don't drink soda but occasionally will like a cream soda or Hansen's natural soda
Vodka- Turi, Imperia, Belvedere, Effen- but I'm always looking for a great vodka
Rum- dark (but not Myers), I like Whalers or anything no one has ever heard of from an island
I don't have preferences for other alcohol but no pucker of any kind will ever touch my drinks. Eww.

1403 posts 

3/14/2007 9:51 am

Royal basmati rice.
Hunt's black beans. I've tried every can of black beans I've seen. Hunt's is worth the extra cents.
Brown Cow yogurt. The only one my son will eat; the rest of us have become attached.
McCann's Irish oatmeal. Consistent granularity in the oats makes a big-big difference.
Claussen pickles. Pickles gotsta be cronchy.
Dr. Bronner's hemp-based soaps. My daughter is all about the peppermint-tingly feeling.

I've gotten fussy over, of all things, shampoo/conditioner. I like the marine-based gunk from H20+, and am fairly well annoyed if I run out or leave a bottle at a hotel.

Habit, not loyalty: Speed Stick, Crest. Mach 3 razors because they key the razor handle to the blades. You're stuck until you buy someone else's handle.

4571 posts 

3/14/2007 9:54 am

I love Always too...but I found a better pad in the Philippines...it's called "Chick"... It's softer and more absorbent and doesn't mess everywhere...


6261 posts

3/14/2007 10:14 am

Only one - Bertolli extra virgin olive oil

3676 posts 

3/14/2007 10:47 am

Didn't atypical_girl do a post on the exact same subject a few eeks ago? What is this, a cunningly disguised exercise in market research and brand loyalties?

4253 posts 

3/14/2007 11:01 am

"sartre avoids::

jimmy dean products

May I commend you on your excellent taste in um, um-- things?

( insert nudge, nudge, wink, wink emoticon )

474 posts 

3/14/2007 12:43 pm

forgot one- L'oreal eye makeup remover. Doesn't sting, removes everything and is not oily. Takes that glitter right off!

6576 posts

3/14/2007 12:51 pm

Xit, I like Macintosh Toffee. I don't know if you have that in the US. It's delicious. I just checked almighty Wiki and the answer is no, you don't. As they used to say in the Red Rose tea commercials "Only in Canada, eh? Pity." Except that comment wouldn't make any sense to you either. God how do you stand it living in that rabbit hole.

NotaColaUnderstander, about the only good thing Pepsi ever did was make Diet Dr. Pepper.

gelato! holy geez, I thought Shady was a diva. Totally grok on the Q-tips love. I tried a no-name brand once and it was like sticking a straw in my ear.

My brother got me a long-sleeve jersey t-shirt from American Eagle for Christmas last year. The gift receipt referred to it as "Favourite T" and indeed it was.

rg1k, "Chick"? For reals? Awesome. Do they make a tampon called "Babe"?

These things are lame.

127 posts 

3/14/2007 1:08 pm

I don't know if it's just about price. I can get stuck on having to choose when shopping so sometimes it's just nice to have one thing that I can count on, such as:
- Apple computers and music players
- Levi's 501s
- Wigwam Ice Socks
- Body Shop Face Protector
- göt2be pommade
- LAMY Safari pens
- Moleskine notebooks
- Shreddies
- bakery bread
- MEC for outdoor gear

I've been saving money on:
- shirts and sweaters from PlanetAid (until recently - they've converted to an 'outlet' store)
- food (mostly No Frills)

6576 posts

3/14/2007 2:37 pm

RJ, only the one? Wow. Are you suuuuuure? I can't quite fathom this. Like, not even coffee?

PAA, HOLY GEEZ! You are totally rightski! Wow, and I usually read atyp regularly! That's a weird coincidence. Especially cuz we both love the Heinz! Thanks for pointing out this blog faux pas. Apologies to atyp for the usurping.

eastwest, get out of here if you're not going to whore out your favourite products!!! Troublemaker.

gelato, glitter. Reeeeeally.

Arg, matey, good list. Levi's: yes. Gotta love the man in the Levi 501s. I believe I have the göt2be pommade in my bathroom at the mo! It is good stuff. (Think I got it cuz SDM was giving Optimum points on it that week... I am a total Air Miles/Optimum/consumer rewards program huu-er.) And there's nothing like the MEC. Americans are sad and don't know it for their lack of MEC.

I don't stop by the No Frills too often - too far of a walk with all the heavy lifting produce - but I am always amazed at how much cheaper it is.

These things are lame.

474 posts 

3/14/2007 5:08 pm

Yeah, I have fun with my makeup. I used to do the natural girl look all the time but considering I don't wear makeup during the week, I have to go all out when I do go out.

And yes, I am a girly-girl with my products. The only time my shower smelled better was when a gay man used it!

4253 posts 

3/14/2007 5:36 pm

"eastwest, get out of here if you're not going to whore out your favourite products!!! Troublemaker."

So lemme' see, it's not enough that I fawn all over you and kiss your butt with an "unecessary shout-out," but I've got to PRODUCE ON DEMAND, too? Hmmmmmm, barkin' out orders like that, one might think you were my sister or sumpin'...

Okay, speaking of things kissin' butts, you can keep your crappy Cottonelle, I use Northern.

712 posts 

3/14/2007 9:41 pm

Okay, speaking of things kissin' butts, you can keep your crappy Cottonelle, I use Northern.

Yeah, if you were really hardcore, you would skip the Cottonelle & get a wilderness squeegee from MEC. More toilet humour::

John Spartan:: {whispering to Lenina} Look, I don't know if you guys know it, but uh... you're out of toilet paper.

Alfredo Garcia:: {confused} Did... did you say toilet *paper*?

Lenina Huxley:: Um... they used handfuls of wadded paper back in the 20th...

{Lenina, Alfredo, and Erwin all laugh}

John Spartan:: I'm happy that you're happy, but the place where you're supposed to have the toilet paper, you've got this little shelf with three seashells on it.

Erwin:: He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!

{Erwin continues to laugh, then calms down}

Erwin:: I can see how that could be confusing.

on a serious note::
How could I forget Diebold?

Indie Shows & Appearances

2143 posts

3/14/2007 11:52 pm

Coke. It's the real thing, Coke is...

608 posts

3/15/2007 1:22 am

Tab....Will buy it wherever I find it....

6576 posts

3/15/2007 5:04 am

hey gelly, sounds like fun! I have never tried the glitter. Maybe it's time!

oh easty! C'mere. I'm gonna give you a noogie, you bratty big brother. I see my strange friend sartre_makesnosense has already rebutted your choice of teeps.

smns:: what is it with you and the baaaad futuristic dystopian movie-love? One of your many quirks, I suppose. All is forgiven with the inclusion of Diebold (Die Harder).

VFreak, Coke is it! I still have fond memories of that Fame-style commercial from the 80s.

Pergmeister! You've come back! And of all things, to promote Tab. How unexpected. I had a can of the stuff just last month and found it to be utterly disgusting, although the thought behind it was very sweet. But hey, at least it's not Pepsi.

These things are lame.

1148 posts 

3/15/2007 5:33 am

my loyalties are in my pants, yeah that's right, in my pants, you know what I am saying, the pants, the pants?????

(blogdom has become boring and moved far away from the importance of the crotchals, which we all know is what it is really all about...so come on you blogheads, let's go at least pg-13)

that said, Rigid makes a great hand tool...as pervy as that sounds, it's a straight honest answer, ask you plumber about his wrench

6261 posts

3/15/2007 5:37 am

Dear Noisy,

Lol ... I'll never tell if there's more than one - you'll use it against me!

2305 posts 

3/15/2007 7:37 am

my loyalties...

hmmm, high life, guinness, and pabst for starters.

apple computers, eventhough i no longer own a mac.

mozilla browser.

adobe photoshop and illustrator over macromedia

dreamweaver over golive

form-z over autocad

sketchup over form-z(form-zed for all you canadians)

white polo t-shirts

cafe du monde over panache

molly's pub vs. bourbon street

heidegger over foucault(they were both bastards)

nishida over heidegger

rothko over pollock



lamy lead over faber-castell

etc. etc. etc.

today was a good day, i didn't have to use microsoft, okay.

4253 posts 

3/15/2007 7:39 am

Dear Demolition Man,

I was anticipating that you were gonna' write that if I was really hardcore, I'd opt for a corn cob. Next to that, the wilderness squeege sounds absolutely civilized.


Clean Slate

127 posts 

3/15/2007 8:57 am

Americans have their REI where we have our MEC, although I don't know if it's just a west coast thing. But Shreddies, still only in Canada.

474 posts 

3/15/2007 9:39 am

Noisy- try Nars' Danceteria glitter pencil. I usually rub a little under my eyebrows and blend down over whatever eye makeup I put on. It's very subtle. If I feel like it, I'll put a little under my eye too, concentrating on the corners.

1504 posts 

3/15/2007 11:23 am


Coca-Cola. addict. from way back. An establishment switches to Pepsi and I'm outta there like it's a personal betrayel. Or was. finally quit.

aside: I once tried to get off the stuff buy putting money aside that I WOULD have spent on Coke and instead buying Coke stock. I ended up buying $5000 worth before I quit, rode it from 50 to 60, and set up college funds for my godchildren.
Man, that was sure another life.

2776 posts 

3/15/2007 11:31 am

    Quoting Noisy_Introvert:
    hey gelly, sounds like fun! I have never tried the glitter. Maybe it's time!

    oh easty! C'mere. I'm gonna give you a noogie, you bratty big brother. I see my strange friend sartre_makesnosense has already rebutted your choice of teeps.

    smns::what is it with you and the baaaad futuristic dystopian movie-love? One of your many quirks, I suppose. All is forgiven with the inclusion of Diebold (Die Harder).

    VFreak, Coke is it! I still have fond memories of that Fame-style commercial from the 80s.

    Pergmeister! You've come back! And of all things, to promote Tab. How unexpected. I had a can of the stuff just last month and found it to be utterly disgusting, although the thought behind it was very sweet. But hey, at least it's not Pepsi.
That Pepsi comment is a dig at me, isn't it?

6576 posts

3/15/2007 1:04 pm

fonty, hear effin hear, my good man. Bring forth yon crotchal of Rigid delights. Blogdom is boring the crap out of me lately.

RJ42, like I need any ammo! Come on, man. Fess up.

tigger, those are some classic brands. Your post put me in mind of one of the all-time great Hopper movie moments: "Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!"

e-dub, you're almost there... What the eff is a noggie.

Argo, I did not know of REI! Hunh. That's good info. I guess Americans are sad about other stuff then. Me too. Today, for instance, it is corporate culture and mass consumerism that is bringing me down. Isn't that ironic, given this blog topic? Well anyway, at least we still have Shreddies.

I don't think I'm ready for this, gelly... Ho, ho! I kill me. Seriously, I'd like to get some of that spray shit.

aw, georgie. You're the best with your over-the-top Coke love. In first year university I had a wall of Diet Coke cans. You know how everybody kinda gets experimental in college. Anyway, that was a great aside. You're a good godmom.

NotaDigGetter, come ON! Of COURSE not! You're my number one Bot.

These things are lame.

13868 posts 

3/15/2007 4:12 pm

This renewed FC frenzy of freakin' f'ups has me flummoxed, and behind sched, sigh.

Tom's of Maine gel toothpaste-Fennel
Burt's Bees makeup
Hunt's catsup
Ken's Vidalia Onion/Bleu/Northern Italian Salad Dressings
LL Bean Silkies and Socks (Smartwool)and Boots
Village Candle (candles, duh)

850 posts 

3/15/2007 4:23 pm

I like the Apple Computer brand and have been a customer since the late 70's so I guess I'm hooked for life. Nice to see so many others said Apple.

I used to be a die hard Levis customer and they used to also be a customer of where I worked. I went to all the factories in Canada and saw first hand the quality of the product and how well they treated their employees. I even saw how well they treated their customers, while visiting the Calgary plant someone off the street brought in a totally worn out jean jacket asking if they were interested in trading the worn jacket for a new one. The jacket was taken to the lab where I was visiting and the woman who ran the lab looked it over and saw from the tags that it was made at that same plant. She then told the receptionist to give the guy a new jacket as she wanted to "take it apart" pretty cool.

Sadly, I am told that Levis has sold off all of it's Canadian plants and runs its marketing out of the US. The tags on the last few pairs I have say made in Bangladeshi, since I've never been there I'm having a little trouble getting a warm and fuzzy feeling wearing them. They also don't look as well made, we'll see. I now just try on jeans and buy what ever fits best.

I like my branded toiletries because as a guy I like to spend as little time in the stores as possible. Now that I have committed the colours and shapes of all my little bottles to memory I just grab and dash, boy I hate it when they change the bottle or logo, really screws me up. All I remember are Arm and Hammer sensi toothpaste and Polo cologne, together I'm irresistible. Non-branded items here are glasses cleaner and Life face soap.

I'm a big Fender Stratocaster guitar nut. I have a few and they are all exactly the same model, hey when you find what you like, stick with it. That brand has been around since the 50's

I try to buy Heinz ketchup too, I'm sure it all taste almost the same, they also used to be a customer and I always admired how clean and well operated that huge place was. (ask me about my "do not eat" list) I think home made food is best and better than any brand.

Red Rose Tea, I drink a lot of teas and the list is always changing but this is the mainstay.

Guinness. Those tall cans with the widget are pure heaven, otherwise I'll drink micro.

I used to be a nut for Russell Hobbs appliances but there are now lots of choices of nicely styled appliances.

I've been very disappointed in brands lately. It seems that today the value of a brand it treated differently from actually delivering a good product. Therefore my loyalty only holds as long as I am satisfied with the product. I have a long and sad list of brands that fallen out of favor and will take more than a management change to get me to switch me back. GE are you listening?

And as I walk on through troubled times. My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes.

474 posts 

3/15/2007 4:26 pm

A little shimmer never hurts...in fact, I'm wearing some in my main photo. See, not big chunky glitter. Just a little shine. Gelly...I like that.

1504 posts 

3/15/2007 5:29 pm

I'm with kioskfan on the Levi's and brands-degradation comments.

When Levi's announced that they were no longer making jeans in the US or Canada, I bought my last pair. too bad so sad. onward with globalization. rah.

Noisy! Since you're in this (very appropriate to the times) down-with corp consumerism mode, could you give us an update on Naomi Klein??? what she's up to, etc....Or feel free to channel her! We in FC blogland need our own no logo proponent. Here -- I'll lend you my (logo-free)soapbox.

2337 posts

3/15/2007 5:47 pm

Okay, here goes. I started to write this earlier but then canceled the post due to my latest mini-disaster with Verizon, my local and national phone service provider. There it is, my first consumer brand loyalty!


Wellness cat food - finally liberated from their more conservative, more healthy and decidedly boring diet, the cats are pigging out on Wellness! Last night I gave them the salmon formula, and even little cancer kitty practically inhaled hers.

Tampax slender regular - putting that out front, just to get it over with. TMI, probably. But upsetting developments show that Tampax may not be making the "slender" size anymore.

Arche sandals, made in France - a little expensive but indispensable footwear for the spring and summer. I have to replace the high heeled pair, they have seen their last days. But that is after five years, and they were the shoes in which I comfortably walked 7 miles home in the 2003 blackout. They are black, with sexy ankle staps and a nicely shaped 2.5 inch heel, very stable, never wobbly.

Shue Uemura hair care! But not on the market yet. I was fortunate to have somehow been chosen for a focus group and was PAID to use these incredible hair care products for over a month. My hair was gorgeous then. Still looking for something that can even come close. The thing that was indispensable was the hair cuticle foundation, getting rid of my frizzies and flyaways without synthetic polymers. John Frieda's Frizzease will never seen the same again.

Ginger ale is becoming my drink of choice, due to the migraines. I don't have a specific brand yet. And sometimes when I'm feeling racey I actually DO mix up a Shirley Temple cocktail. (Thank you Betty Blue for the inspiration, way back when in November when you wrote about your post-blogbabe-bash resolutions!)

Ben & Jerry's ice cream, preferably in the rich, ridiculously fattening flavors like Chubby Hubby and Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. I like Haagen Dazs too, but will choose Ben & Jerry's over the fake scandinavian brand anytime.

I seem to be staying faithful to Victoria's Secret underwear, but that is more an example of the Devil You Know. I can try on three different styles of bras, each in three different sizes, and NONE of them really fit well. Vicki's underpants, particularly the microfiber ones, are great, though.

And that is that. I can't think of any more consumer product loyalties, though I know there are many.

Oh yeah, and Absolut Forever! Especially the Kurant flavor. Now if only I can get past this cycle of headaches so I can imbibe a little.

6576 posts

3/15/2007 7:30 pm

Zed, are you sayin Fennel flavour toothpaste? Also, can you explain the "catsup" spelling? Is that how you pronounce it? Or is this like the American version of "lieutenant" wherein the spelling does not match the pronunciation? (In colony country, anyway)

kioski, wow, total treatise. That's way cool about the Levi peeps. Maybe the Bangladeshis are just as cool to walk-ins; you never know. I'm glad to hear Heinz are feel-gooders as well as taste-gooders. I've tried others and for awhile I was just going with what was on sale, but a few months ago Heinz was on sale and I have to say, it was a glorious reunion and I'm never going back to generic. NEVER!

Gelly it is, then! Maybe sometimes ShimmerGelly. We'll play around with it some.

msgeez, every time I turn around you're handing out assignments to me. God. Luckily all Canadians know one another so I have her number handy. I'll ring her up this week and see what's shakin.

karmababe, good list, a nice variety of products. Regarding your burgeoning gingerale habit, might I suggest the classic: Canada Dry. I like Ben & Jerry's too, although up here I don't think they are as popular as HD. And like I said in the original post, I am not ice cream loyal. I'll eat pretty much any ice cream put in front of me, even spumoni.

These things are lame.

2143 posts

3/15/2007 8:41 pm

    Quoting NotaRobot73:
    That Pepsi comment is a dig at me, isn't it?
I cannot believe they allow people who prefer Pepsi to be on this site.

13868 posts 

3/15/2007 9:25 pm

Yes, fennel-flavoured toothpaste. Ketchup/catsup/catchup can all be pronounced the same and all three from before 1730-ish, but not much before; so not American. My mother used 'catsup' and she pretty much grew up in Nova Scotia.


1504 posts 

3/16/2007 2:22 pm

oooh, I just realized that as of today, I am out of TWO staples! This means I get to go shopping for:



dog food.

So even though I'm not MARRIED to any partic. brands, I'll share what I've been buying for the last year or so in each catagory:

Tom's of Maine -- fennel

and Newman's Own (because it's healthy and all the profits go, etc) dog food, also because Audrey loves it, and I love her.

Props to the handsome man in the 501s.

and -- heh -- it's my dementia -- I didn't realize that this was a reprise of Atyp's post from last week -- I thought it WAS Atyp's post! (eeeek.)

Noisy, darling, it has not escaped my notice that your comments to me (and I think me alone?! because I'm speshul?!) are totally unctuous and 100% irony-free. It's like you're channeling someone else, uh huh. Very impressive, although I should note, for your future comfort, that your challenge covers only posts and did not extend to comments, (although I suppose comments on one's own blog may fall into the grey area).

Carry on, wayward consumers. . . .

712 posts 

3/16/2007 10:29 pm

zed/noisy:: I've switched from ketchup/catsup/catchup to chili sauce, but only because I heard it in a r-rated adam ant lyric in '84 en-route to a track meet::

Say it girlfriend, say it

Well this is this and that is that
Though shrinks say they know better
But people making love says more
Than any word or letter
He's not too good with books and such
No not too good with that
But he's got knowledge nice and raw
And lots of nifty chat

Baby let me scream at you
You can decline of course
I'm talking to you girlfriend
Give me some chili sauce

Well this is this and that is that
Though shrinks say they know better
But people making love says more
Than any word or letter
Shes not the subtle kind at all
Dont live her life from books
But girls are girls are girls are girls
And boy she's got the looks

Get in get on get down get off
Get up get dressed get out
And if you find a better way
Pick up the phone and shout
Get in get on get down get off
How fond of milk you are
Don't be a mrs. hangup girl
Beaucoup de chocolat

It's that moment when you know it
A first glance lets you show it
That something good will happen here tonight
And far across the room
So deep inside her soon
Your passions like a spear of true delight

Indie Shows & Appearances

6576 posts

3/17/2007 11:28 am

Zeddy, catsup in Nova Scotia??? Hunh. Your post moved me to do some catchup googling with interesting results indeed. Apparently all US manufacturers of the glorious sugary red sauce are now calling it "ketchup" (even Hunt's!) so your preferred spelling is more of a quirk... do you actually pronounce it as it is spelled? I remember seeing that spelling around a lot more as a kid than in recent years. This etymology shit always kinda fascinates me.

emessgeeeeez, I don't know what you're on about, weirdo. Irony-free? Boy, did me and Naomi have a laugh about that one the other day.

sl:: yeah but what brand?

These things are lame.

712 posts 

3/17/2007 1:29 pm

mgs:: I *could* be wrong, but irony-laden badinage w/ the noise stems from parrying & jousting or punch & judy, depending on the sitch. ::ni hmmm. it's something local & obscure, but I recognize it by the jar. : recall ketchup-flavoured potato chips in BC around 1990 or so. I have no idea what the brand name was. they were in a box, with a poly bag in the box, which won the 1991 North American Waste Management Association's packaging award, nosing out the CD longbox.

Indie Shows & Appearances

13868 posts 

3/17/2007 8:24 pm

Heh, Noisy...I can't recall the last time I actually read the label! How much could it have changed?

One of the most famous ketchup (see, I can change, maybe, but it's on Mom's grocery list as catsup so I probably won't unless she changes-won't happen) television commercials before 'anticipation-la-de-dah' was the Del Monte 'even cats love our catsup' ad in the 60's and early 70's methinks. some things just 'stick'.

1567 posts 

3/19/2007 7:04 am

I'm loyal to Mercedes Benz although I might be swayed into an illicit affair with the right Volvo four-door sedan.

Pilot Pens. Very smooth scribing.

Hanes underwear. Enough said.

Bose headphones. Beats the hell out of me how to find better but it might exist.

Stay-Free Peni Pads. The ultimate in masculine protection.

Orange Goop hand cleaner. There is no substitute.

6576 posts

3/19/2007 9:20 am

Well, sl:: you're not wrong but that doesn't mean you're right. Re: ketchup flavour chips, we still have them up here. I don't get it, despite my keen ketchup habit. CMAT used to bitch about having to buy a magnum of Heinz every month to keep me and my brother satisfied at meal times. Do any Canadian blogstars remember when Hostess made GRAPE chips back in the late 70s?? Now THAT was a chip. {{{shudder}}}

Zubeliciousness, you just keep doing your catsup thing, babe.

MC Hammer. Enough said.

These things are lame.


3/20/2007 6:33 am

Heh, heh-time to bait some Canadians-anything over Labatts! Even Genny cream ale, yuck.

Teeg-give it up dude-college is safely behind you! Come over to the dark side. I gotta say, I love double ended Sharpies and Fixpencils.

Forget Coke and Tab-I like Moxie-or used to, anyway.

6576 posts

3/20/2007 8:09 am

Oh, hurt me, U50. How dare you slam Labatt! To be honest, Molson and Labatt are the pisswater of Canadian beers. I prefer the microbreweries local to the area, e.g. Creemore. Or, international stylie, I like a Stella.

Sharpies are the greatest! What is this double ended business? Hm, exciting new office supply products. I remember how exciting it used to be when my mom would take me to her office on the weekend during the rush season when she had overtime. My brother and I would raid the office supplies closet. We came home with secret stashes of Liquid Paper and stinky markers.

These things are lame.

712 posts 

3/20/2007 8:00 pm

Stay-Free Peni Pads
Are these for leakage problems? I like Depends & Poise, poisonally.

Indie Shows & Appearances

6576 posts

3/21/2007 4:46 am

    Quoting roadgem:
    Royalbasmati rice.
    Hunt'sblack beans. I've tried every can of black beans I've seen. Hunt's is worth the extra cents.
    Brown Cowyogurt. The only one my son will eat; the rest of us have become attached.
    McCann'sIrish oatmeal. Consistent granularity in the oats makes a big-big difference.
    Claussenpickles. Pickles gotsta be cronchy.
    Dr. Bronner'shemp-based soaps. My daughter is all about the peppermint-tingly feeling.

    I've gotten fussy over, of all things, shampoo/conditioner. I like the marine-based gunk from H20+, and am fairly well annoyed if I run out or leave a bottle at a hotel.

    Habit, not loyalty: Speed Stick, Crest. Mach 3razors because they key the razor handle to the blades. You're stuck until you buy someone else's handle.
rg, I am truly offended by this post and don't understand why FC let it through. Clearly they were on the fence with this one - it may have even gone to committee. I'll bet it was a close vote. Anyway, you're disgusting.

These things are lame.

6576 posts

3/21/2007 4:47 am

sl hammer:: enough said.

These things are lame.

1801 posts 

3/25/2007 10:50 pm

Johnny Cat

I'm in a kudos-giving frenzy!!!! "Some cats are bigger than others..."--Morrissey

6576 posts

3/26/2007 10:31 am

Er, Johnny Qat?

These things are lame.

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