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Kettle Corn
A little bit of sugar, a little bit of salt.
December 2008
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The saddest blog ever Feb 2, 2007 7:34 am
Alright, listen. Pollmania is wrapping up. I thank all of you who voted me past the elusive 30-vote mark, and especially those who resisted voting that I have droopy boobs.

But there are others who need your help. Poor eastwest10! This guy may be the sweetest blogger these blogs have ever blogged, bloggit! All he wants is a little blog-love for his poll. Is that so wrong?

Please help him. This post will explain everything, and link you up to his poll:

Polls Have Ruined My Life

It also provides a link to sunnyheart's poll, which is languishing with only 25 votes. Since roadgem is above such nonsense, I'm not gonna campaign for him, but hell, you might as well throw him a frickin bone while you're at it.

And with that, I hereby move on.
Great lyric of the day Feb 1, 2007 8:19 am
Are you listening to the Hold Steady yet? If not, what's your problem, yo?

he said: hey my name is corey.
i'm really into hardcore.
people call me hard corey.
don't you hate these clever people and all these clever people parties.

– "Hostile Mass", from Almost Killed Me (2004)

Such awesomeness. People call him hard corey! I love it.

PS please vote on the damn poll. Next post down. Word.
Bandwagon poll Jan 31, 2007 2:38 pm
Alright, I know you're tired of this thing already. But come on. It's HILARIOUS!

How about this: if one of the options below makes you laugh, you are honour-bound to vote. Ideally, this will ensure that the funniest poll wins the blogularity contest!
I'm voting for ALL of you! In a jello pit!
It's hard out here for a gimp.
Did you SERIOUSLY puke on yourself, in front of everyone?
It only makes me want you more.
Desperate much?
Noisy_Introvert? Try Floozy_BreastsNotPert
K, don't vote for that one, even if it's the funniest.
Can we move on now?
29 Comments, 35 votes
O, Canada! Your music effin RAWKS! Jan 31, 2007 11:55 am
Greetings blogstars!

For those of you who were fortunate enough to be in attendance at the karaoke vomit bash, I hope you got your souvenir CD that NotaRobot and I worked so hard to create for all of you. After months of exchanging tunes via e-mail and haggling over the playlist to say nothing of the crucial sequencing, we came up with a list of 20 songs by great Canadian (mostly indie) artists.

Nota was awesome enough to burn 20 copies (well, 23 if you count the extras I requested for totally undeserving non-bloggers who have an in with da Noise). I created liner notes for all of them, detailing the name of the song, the year it came out and the recording it first appeared on, and why we chose that particular song for the collection.

Plus, a totally awesome sticker that has to be seen to be appreciated.

Did any of you in attendance miss your NYCD? We had a couple extras. I brought them home with me. If you want one, and feel secure revealing your address to a vomitous invader, please feel free to e-mail me your deets and I'll pop one in the mail for you.

Meantime, here's the playlist for everyone else (if you weren't there and you feel you simply must have a copy, perhaps something can be arranged... terms are negotiable).

Also, we'd both be interested to hear any reviews from those of you who received them - what songs do you like? (Obviously all of them.) Which ones do you REALLY like?

The Tuneses

No Satisfaction – Black Mountain
Birdsong – Golden Dogs
Don't Call Me Whitney, Bobby – Islands
Combat Baby – Metric
Fifty-Mission Cap – The Tragically Hip
Don't Get Your Back Up – Sarah Harmer
One Great City! – The Weakerthans
Lovers In a Dangerous Time – Barenaked Ladies
7/4 (Shoreline) – Broken Social Scene
Mushaboom – Feist
Use It – New Pornographers
Rarified – Sam Roberts
Oh Goddamnit – Hot Hot Heat
Lola Stars & Stripes – The Stills
Rebellion (Lies) – The Arcade Fire
This is the Dream of Win & Regine – Final Fantasy
Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk – Rufus Wainwright
No Fόckin' Doe n' Buckin' – Airhorn Protocol
The Rest of Your Life – Sloan
Your Ex-Lover is Dead – Stars
Serious Camp Notabetty withdrawal Jan 30, 2007 5:34 pm
Did any of you ever go away to summer camp? The first time I went to a sleepaway camp, when I was 14, was a transformative experience for me. It was just a week-long session, but during that time, I formed intense, immediate bonds with people I'd just met, laughed, felt included, shared parts of myself, felt seen, and most of all rejuvenated and really, really alive.

When I got home, I think I cried for about 3 hours straight. It was so hard to let go of that experience and rejoin my life in progress, where the blemishes and scars of day to day wear and tear were already in place, even with 23 years less baggage!

Coming home yesterday from my time in New York with betty and Nota was like that. From the moment we met each other, there was an ease of being. We were instantly familiar with each other, and the chemistry we shared was unique and so perfectly balanced. We laughed pretty much non-stop for 4 days straight.

I've shared a little bit about my struggle to be happy. It isn't always easy. But this past weekend was the easiest time I've had in years and years. It was intimate and caring and silly and crazy. We made fun of each other and hugged each other and flirted like crazy. We took stupid pictures in FAO Schwartz. We checked our blogs first thing in the morning and mocked each other for doing so. We went skating in Central Park, and held hands, the three of us, as we skated around, avoiding little kids everywhere and acting like little kids ourselves. We whooped triumphantly when Nota found the Holy Grail of processed foods in the Pathmark. And we took care of each other. They took care of me.

I cried again last night, like I did the last time I came home from camp. I felt a little silly about it, but I let myself have that feeling. It is part of the joy of another transformative experience, and you don't get to have those too often in life.
A richness of embarrassments Jan 28, 2007 8:19 am
Some thoughts on the karaoke bash, now that I can sort of think again:
  • cannot stop running instant replay in mind of eastwest handing me a napkin to puke into; want to die; wishing the mood index included "mortified"

  • thank you eastwest; so very sorry you had to see that

  • on a bright note, have now created very own New York vomit story as previously referenced by sartre_lied

  • seejane is as sexy as you all imagined

  • Shadygrrrl also hella, hella sexy

  • don't know what betty put in that jug of Cosmopolitans; perhaps nothing out of ordinary and key to embarrassing level of drunkenness was total lack of self-restraint? hm. Must think about this some more.

  • thank you seejane's boyfriend, for giving me that bottle of water. Very thoughtful young man.

  • ipodgrrrrrrl!

  • really wish I'd talked to more of you

  • King Cuddles' a cappella performances of his songs were great fun

  • did anybody record anything or take any pictures? please say no

  • I think illroy sang "Lust For Life"! Dayum! cool

  • Nota just said from his prone position that we should have sung "Wasn't That a Party" - good call

  • can you believe he's not up yet?

  • sharonnectar - so pretty! i don't think i talked to her

  • FlyFisherWomyn - looked great, as you would expect; think she sang a Queen song? she was sweet as candy to me

  • props to ipod and WestChester for getting the party started with "Summer Nights" - takes a bit of guts to go first

  • hi kttrue! I think I talked to you for a couple seconds. You seemed nice, but I was really shοtfaced; sorry

  • Babyboom rocked the house with an array of snobby cheeses. He turned his nose up at betty's canned cheese. Can you believe it? Anyway, he was great

  • tell me, Telme, why didn't you sing???? although it is possible you sang and I forgot or was out puking when it happened.

  • hope I didn't miss anybody in these shout-outs; please don't take offense if I did; just bitch me out in the comments section. I deserve it

  • next time I swear I am not drinking
live from new york: drunkblog, yeaaaaahhh~~~~Q!` Jan 26, 2007 8:24 pm
faithful readers, yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you rae all the bestemestestestestestestest
okaym, i sense this may be somewhat compromised re: believability due to the excess naturemabob, but LET ME ASSURE YOU OF MY SINCERITY

hang on! nota announced he is taking his shirt off. you all are way less important. sorry. bye3 now! good luck for action in aught seven.

yours evermore,

kanadiens are H.O.T. Jan 26, 2007 5:21 pm
it's true, my submission is complete. just thought y'all might wanna know. they have won.
Things I love about New York Jan 26, 2007 7:21 am
  • airport security

  • bold, decisive pedestrians

  • NotaRobot in my bed

  • James Brown in the morning

  • Quincy, the asss-humping, face-licking, belly-exposing affection ho

  • Chester's old man bark

  • Betty's old man bark

  • Betty's hot-asss boots (alas, size 9)

  • Jimmy Dean, one hopes

  • Legally Blonde: The Musical

  • metaphorical jello pit of cutting three-way banter
Things I miss about Canada Jan 26, 2007 7:11 am
Mood: 74, 19618 Views
  • celsius

  • reciprocal use of "eh?"

  • coloured money

  • Shopper's drug Mart

  • Burger King

  • excessive taxes that make our impressive social safety net possible

  • unlimited computer time for surfing blogs

  • French on cereal boxes

  • Lola
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